Trust God's Ways

I wasn't feeling exactly well these 2 weeks..
Somehow felt tired easily, handling things emotionally..

I'm one dislikes uncertainties. Sometimes I want things to go the way I hope for.I preferred to know what is going on and where should i draw the line. Somehow, somethings just don't have the answer yet. The bad case was I'm easily affected by it. I was waiting and waiting and slowly losing my patience. yet I kept myself hanging on there.When i felt disappointed, I put on the mask to pretend I'm okay. I encouraged people to be strong but I am one that pretend to be strong. I was scared for being like this. I don't like it. Where is the joy i was asking. So i kept praying and praying to my Daddy..

One night, when i no longer could pretend nothing happened and be strong, I cried when i was talking to Daddy. Then Daddy used this passage to remind me about His grace.

Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways...For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

I kept fighting and resisting things that I thought was from devil. However the truth is they are attempt from God to work something good in my life. I failed to recognize that things that make me feel bad are not necessarily bad for me. Daddy has His own ways which are not my ways and He knows what the best for me.

Daddy's never-ending-&-more-than-enough love has touched my heart again and again. I know that He is preparing me now for things that coming in the way. All I need is to trust Him wholly, surrender all and always know that He is good :)


Experienced a first time today.
An Indian preacher who preached the whole sermon in Tamil (thou he has his translator with him). Cool weii..
It was fun except that was having some difficulties understand the translator. I still remembered that when he asked us to flipped our bible to read our first passage, I heard him saying 'Sam 122 dadada'. I was blurred at that moment, thinking is there a book of Sam in bible?? Couldn't be. I never came across that. Then only me & Kenin found out he was referring to book of Psalm. LOL!!
Btw, He's a prophet! Amazing one!! :)

Will be attending Catholic Church in the morning. Wonder how's the service gonna be. Will update after i got back :)

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