We had most of the cell groups preparing dishes from different culture and the committee prepared a dance combining four songs - Indian, Malay, Chinese & English. So glad that everyone had fun that night despite the out of schedule last minutes preparation and searching high and low for a place to perform our dance. Nonetheless, the event turned out successful and the whole place was FULL of people!! :D
Cy & Jon Goh
Emcee ErwinI love seeing my bro in sarung.. lolThe gays..We had our dance performance at the carpark. the only place that can fits everyone. see the light source? we used car's headlight as our spotlight. :)Most of the committees..Playing with the real spotlight.Sarah Dear who was super excited that nite too. Us again with Michael Panda at the back.
Emcee ErwinI love seeing my bro in sarung.. lolThe gays..We had our dance performance at the carpark. the only place that can fits everyone. see the light source? we used car's headlight as our spotlight. :)Most of the committees..Playing with the real spotlight.Sarah Dear who was super excited that nite too. Us again with Michael Panda at the back.
It was a blessed night and we created another history again. Thanks to everyone who help out throughout the event. One more for Jesus =)