Sometimes you need to be selfish

Recently, I keep getting updates about friends' relationships statuses.
there's friends that announced their engagement,
friends that are married,
friends that got into relationships,
friends that just ended their relationships badly, i mean really bad..
or friends that are deeply hurt in their relationships yet still hold on to it because they think it's 'love'.

Their lives revolve around relationship issues. Their emotions are deeply tied to it. They cried, they screamed, they went crazy and they seek help from those unaccountable ones.
Hearing from them being in such circumstances caught me into a mixture of feelings..
Bitter and sweet feelings, not memories.
Funny how those used to be sweet memories are now blurry to me.
Other than that, it reminds me that I once used to be weak, depress and even losing faith in this issue. I almost gave up too.
Don't get me wrong. I am not upset right now when I feel these again.
Yet, I am smiling because I am more than grateful that I am in love, with someone that believe and tell me that I deserve better.

Huns, whatever it is, life still go on.
Don't stop dreaming and be daring enough to let go and move on.
After all, you yourself is more important.


2 biscotti:

Erwin Lee said...


Well said. I've always longed for one simple relationship that could last. But I wonder why it nvr happended. Sometimes I felt ppl are quite selfish in their feelings. Its hard to take, tough to swallow cruel facts.

I know I sounded desperate, but then, I think God dont have the intention for me to have one yet, perhaps not for now. But to be honest, after seeing a lot of my close frens in hometown/church/uni started new relationships, cant help to feel envious.

Sigh. Perservering...

p/s: Needa talk to u bout this more sometimes, perhaps after 2009 sem 2 ends.


Erwin Lee said...

Ah also,

I got 2 links for my blog. But its better to change my multiply link to blogger.

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